Allett’s Electric Evolution
Allett’s Electric Evolution: Allett powers into the new age of electric mowers with the C34 Evolution, large area, walk behind cylinder mower launched at Saltex 2018. The latest Lithium Ion system battery technology in the C34 Evolution drives the future of mowing systems for sports stadiums, training grounds and prestige lawns, without compromise and with all the attributes of the Allett heritage. The battery system will power the 86cm electric mower, without a reducing performance, for over six thousand square metres (1.5 acres) per charge and changing batteries takes less than thirty seconds. While the battery drive and chassis design are brand new, the C34 Evolution is fully compatible with Allett’s turf maintenance system. There’s plenty of power to drive interchangeable cartridges to scarify, rake, aerate, brush and verti-cut and it takes less than one hour to recharge batteries.
Electric power for the professional brings a whole range of benefits. Primarily there’s no noise, no emissions at the point of use, less maintenance and easier controls. Couple this with no fuel management and storage requirements, no pull start and a lower lifetime cost of ownership and it’s easy to see why the Allett C34 Evolution has its place in groundcare, turf management and sports stadiums; particularly when they are enclosed. Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) is also much reduced, allowing longer operating times. There is variable speed control and touch button control to give half speed reduction for turning and manoeuvring. Built-in back-lapping gives the ability to keep blades sharp for cleaner cutting and quiet operation.
Strong striping and an impeccable cut are hallmarks of all Allett mowers and the C34 Evolution can be relied upon to deliver the same. Extensive user tests produced exceptional results and any concerns about battery power and their life were swept away. Customers of traditional engine driven products were surprised at how powerful the electric C34 really is, and without compromise compared with petrol. Four convenient batteries clip out of the machine to be separately charged. The mower will run with 1, 2, 3 or 4 batteries if required at full performance, but proportionately reduced running time. This and the fact the batteries can be recharged in the duration of a lunch break is enough to tell you the mower won’t run out of charge before the work is done.
The next consideration then is cost. Using Lithium Ion technology in the C34 Evolution, with the latest brushless motors and controllers, gives extended discharge times. The cost of a complete charge is only 0.40p and maintenance is kept at a minimum. The bonus is the batteries from this mower can also be used to power other equipment such as brushcutters, chainsaws, blowers and long-reach hedgecutters.
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