- No emissions
- Quiet
- Push button start/Key
- Low hand arm vibrations
- Great for the environment
- No fuel storage issues- fire hazards/theft
- No engine maintenance required
- Interchangeable cartridge system
- Built in back-lapping

Allett Support Cheshire Turf Machinery at First Old Trafford Cricket Expo Show
Here at Allett we have been manufacturing cylinder mowers for some of the world's top cricket grounds since the 1960's. On February 29th/1st March 2020 we joined several worldwide brands at the Old Trafford Cricket Expo exhibiting the latest products and solutions to assist in the running of a cricket club. We teamed up with our dealers Cheshire Turf Machinery who are based in Cheshire and supply to Manchester United, Manchester City and Old Trafford cricket ground itself amongst others.
Cheshire Turf have been in business for over 60 years when the company was first formed to sell garden machinery and turf equipment trading as Cheshire Light Tractors. After several moves due to increased growth of the business Cheshire Turf are now based on the Alvanley Industrial Estate in Stockport .
We took an Allett Tournament along with us aswell as our latest C34E battery powered mower
The Allett Tournament is available in a 20'' or 24'' model and is the perfect machine for cutting cricket wickets with a height of cut from 2.4mm-19mm. The Tournament machine is an upgrade to the Allett Shaver with an additional fixed groomer attached that helps stand any flat lateral growing grasses upright before cutting.
The C20/C24 machines are similar to the Tournament however they give the added advantage of allowing the operator to insert a range of cartridges for a wide range of turf care tasks for example a scarifier cartridge for helping keep your square free of thatch. There is also a brush cartridge that is ideal for brushing the wicket before or during a game. You can find the whole range of cartridges here
The C34E machine is ideal for those clubs looking for a greener, quieter alternative and is suitable for cutting squares at a higher height of cut. It is extremely quiet which is great for cricket clubs that host meetings etc throughout the day or are based near to houses.