Today (Thursday 20th January 2022) is 'Get to Know your Customers Day'. We reached out to a number of our Allett customers from the homeowner to the professional groundsmen to find out more about them.
Lloyd works as a Data Analyst and Paramedic in his job and uses lawn-care to switch off from his stressful job.
1. Name/Job
Lloyd Kimbrel, Data Analyst - Paramedic
2. Family status?
Widowed Father with a 10 year old daughter who is my motivation as I teach her she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to despite people saying it can’t be done
3. Where do you live?
Redding California
4. How did you get into lawn-care?
Randomly landed on “Lawntips” ,“TheShortcut lawn” and Ryan Knorr lawn channels on YouTube

5. What's your lawn journey been so far? Did you renovate your lawn from scratch?
My journey has been a 1 man show. I completely removed my front yard including multiple yards of dirt and every root I could find and started with fresh clean soil. It involved lots of rolling to get it flat as possible.
6. What grass seed do you use?
A 3 way Perennial Rye blend called SS9000 from
7. How many times a week do you cut? What height of cut in general?
During the growing season I like to keep it in between 1/2” and 1” for the darkest color and most prominent striping possible.
8. What Allett mower do you use? What do you like about it?
Liberty 43 - I really enjoy how simple it is to operate and the all in one solution it provides with its many accessory cartridges
9. What's your favourite cartridge?
Verticutter and Scarifier
10. What are the biggest challenges you face with your lawn?
Our summer heat stress as we go into the 100f + that will last for months at a time here.
11. Any other hobbies?
As I’m completely new to lawn-care this is definitely my hobby
12. Favourite food?
Dry rubbed BBQ
13. What is you dream holiday destination?
Hopefully take my daughter to see Europe and the UK. Having lived in Germany and travelled all over while in the US Army I want my daughter to have the same experience and to see different cultures outside of America.
14. Which three people would you invite around the dinner table? - can be famous or not!
Joe Rogan, Horiyoshi III, Elon Musk
15. If you could invent a lawn tool/ new mower what would it be like?
A self sharpening reel mower that also self adjusts for the best possible cut.
16. What are your lawn plans for 2022?
Try to get a little more creative pattern wise, but I do love my checkerboards
17. Have you got any social media channels for us to follow?
I’m only on Instagram @another_lawn_fanatic
18. Any tips for lawn-care enthusiasts to help them get a better lawn?
Patience, and get the best grass seed possible for your project.